Okay, now on with the show. Today was basically a travel day. We made our way to the airport for our flight to Guangzhou. At this point, Sophie has been great riding around in the car, but most of our adventures have been a maximum of 20 minutes one way. She did great for the drive to the airport, which is about half an hour. She did become a little restless in the airport so I walked her around the small terminal. Since our flight was at 2:40, and she missed her nap we were in for a wonderful time, I was sure. She cried the entire take off, I'm sure her ears were not feeling well, but became calm during the flyt. When I ran out of skittles the breakdown occurred, but we got through that one.
We also ran into a little trouble when we started to descend and the pressure started to affect her ears. Some well meaning Chinese people tried to help by trying to communicate in Chinese to her--to no avail she is inconsolable when this happens. It took me getting up and rocking back and forth to get her to stop the meltdown. When is was finally time for me to sit down, she accepted some Cheerios and animal crackers. We landed and it was over...
The drive from the airport to the hotel was possibly the most like what I had heard about. Lanes don't mean ANYTHING! At one point, we needed to move across about 6 lanes of traffic. It was a very harrowing experience, to say the least. I am absolutely amazed that they don't shoot each other here. Similar driving in the US definitely elicit untold amounts of road rage.
We are staying at the White Swan Hotel, which is more like a resort. I was SOOOO happy to see my friends, everyone congregated outside my door in the hall until we felt as if we were getting stares from the staff to "break it up" haha! The room has a beautiful view, see the pictures! Most adopting families stay at the White Swan Hotel, and there are american families everywhere...Thank you Lord! I was so lonely in the province, but I am so, so blessed to have my friends back. All the babies are just gorgeous, we laughed and cried...they hit me about my OSU sweatshirt...thanks all, somebody coulda called me!!! 41-14..sheesh.

Sophie is really starting to open up, she was already a stinker, but I see iprovements in her trust level each day. She enjoys now being with all the other children. She loves to talk and play. At this point, she will say ee, uh, ee over and over, which is 1, 2, 1. She loves it when I repeat things back to her. Children coming out of an institution are usually developmentally delayed, but she says many things. Lay le ma...not sure if it is spelled right, but it means "are you tired?"
Well folks, sorry so long...I miss you all and will see you soon...post more tomorrow with pictures of everyone!
How Ya Doing?
WoW, I must say it has been a real trip just reading your post! I just can't imagine what you both are going through. Sounds like you got "er all under control though :)
If I were you, I wouldn't even talk about the game when you come home. It is like we are all zobbies here :(
You both stay safe and God bless you both.
Can't wait to meet your new little angel.
Go Gators!!!!! What a game - and we are not even football fans.
Loved your update and am so glad you survived the travel with Sophie. Hopefully with that experience under her belt, she will do better on the long flight. I do sympathize with her though because my ears usually hurt TERRIBLY on planes and I, myself, as an adult have been reduced to tears. Prayers continue to be with you two. Carol from Florida
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