Today was medical appointment day. Let's just say it was an experience. Sophie doesn't mind taking it all off for the staff..ha! When the Dr. examined her female "parts" she decided to discuss this with him, asking questions it seemed and pointing.

We spent the balance of the morning shopping around Shamian Island, which is where the White Swan Hotel is located. The White Swan is where most adoptive families stay while in Guangzhou. As a result, a whole shopping district catering to these families has developed. There are some good bargains to be had as long as you are willing to bargain ruthlessly, and walk away if necessary. I love to barter...ever seen bambi in Chinese? :-)

We then headed to the grocery to pick up some snacks and juice for the kids. I also wanted to pick up a stroller...$18 for a nice little job that would be $50 in the states. We headed to KFC for lunch where Sophie had a meltdown when I put ketchup on her plate...it lasted for what seemed to be 30 minutes, but the group assured me it wasn't that long as they offered their support and understanding. She was unconsulable and I just wanted to shut down, just for a moment, but she needed me to be strong and talk her through it, which I did and we then walked back and ate, as if it never happened.
Part of the afternoon was filling in the paperwork for the US Consulate appointment. Its fairly boring, and a lot of writing. The guides walk you through the whole process. They have done hundreds of these forms. Like any government form, they spend too much time trying to figure out how to ask question in the most obscure fashion possible. Its really nice having the help through this process. Our group is fun and comical so that made the documents less boring to fill out!

During the paperwork time, Sophie and Hope were under the watchful care of John in the Mattel play area. We later went to dinner on Shamian Island at Lucy's Bar and Restaurant. Its a small place that serves western-style food. It was decent food, and Sophie liked the spaghetti.

I miss you all and we will see you soon...enjoy the pictures!
Shelli, I miss you and I am glad that both of you are adjusting. I have posted one of your pictures on our refig at home and both of the boys are so excited to finally get to see what she looks like.
Can't wait for you to return so that I can hear more about your trip. It sounds exciting and the different sites that you are seeing are a once in a life time event.
Well better get back to work and by the way the dragons are the family protectors.
See ya soon!
Maybe at that moment the ketchup reminded her of an ugly experience in her past and she was scared. Hard to tell. It is sort of like putting a puzzle together isn't it. God will give you the strength you need through these rough spells.
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