For touring today, we went to the waterwheel park. The Yellow River is a fast moving river and in 1556, Duan Xu designed a waterwheel to use for irrigation. It is very ingenious. The water pushes against the paddle like any waterwheel that we have seen, but there are small "buckets" that pick up the water and dump it at the top. The water is then channeled to the fields or to mills for grinding.
The Mother River statue was the next stop. The local folks wanted to be in our picture and take pictures of us. It is here that we were able to see some sheepskin rafts. These were used to cross the river. They simply take the hide from the sheep, sew up all the openings, and inflate it with air. 12-15 of these are used under a frame to make the raft. None of us were brave enough to go for a ride. EWWWWW! They were pretty gross!

We ended our touring at a park the has a number of dragon statues. I can't remember the significance but the amount of detail in the statues is amazing. It was nice to walk around the park. We went from there back to the hotel, Sophie fell asleep.
Today, Steed(our local guide)also brought the bulk of the adoption registration paperwork to the room. The main thing I was looking for is the official adoption registration certificate. It is printed on special paper with a photo of the two of us mounted on it, and protected in a special dark red folder. The passport was also brought to me today as well. He was going to bring the remainder of the certified copies of a few other documents, and the left over photos tonight. I have been invited to his mother's home to have Chinese dumplings and I'm excited about that! We will also be getting visit from the Orphanage director tonight, it is customary for them to bring a gift to the adoptive family.
Travel to Guangzhou tomorrow...yippie! I am really looking forward to moving to a warmer climate and seeing my new friends. I am also happy that time is ticking by so I can get home to see my babies, oh how I miss them. Thank you all for your supportive emails and notes, this has definitely helped me survive alone here.
Hi, I am really enjoyingyour updates
Ok, I have finally figured out how to post messages. I have been reading your updates each and every day and praying for you, but could only get one comment posted. I know you will be very happy to join up with the group and share your experiences. Your pictures are so special. My husband and I both feel that with your firm love, Sophie will gain control of her temper. I don't even know where you live, but I feel like I know you just from your sharing your experiences here. I can't wait to see a photo of Pat and John with Hope. Her daughter has been doing a great job updating their site with phone conversations results. Enjoy the warmer weather and being back with English speaking friends. I can't even imagine how difficult this past week has been for you. May God continue to bless you and give you the strength - both physical and emotional that you need to get home with your new daughter and begin your life together back in the good ole USA. Hugs from Florida. Carol
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