Our last day in China. Generally speaking, it has been a good one...Our main activity today, not including going some power-shopping and taking that infamous "RED COUCH" photo

was going to the US Consulate for the oath ceremony. It is a very simple process. Our guide, Judy, handed us photocopies of our passports, which we then immediately handed to an agent. We waited for a spell and then the vice consul came out and gave us some information and did the oath part. Sophie slept through the entire process and although this was good for her schedule, my arm was killing me...it has been a long time since I toted 20 lbs around in this position. Well we then retrieved our brown envelopes from our guide and got the offical DO NOT OPEN THIS ENVELOPE, NOT EVER! GIVE IT TO IMMIGRATION! If you do, there are all sorts of problems getting your child into the U.S.. The whole "official" part was less than 5 minutes, it was actually quite emotional for me, I got all choked up...this was it, she was officailly a part of our family. We waited for around 40 minutes when all was said and done. Tomorrow when we go through the immigration line in Detroit, Sophie will become a US citizen when they stamp her passport.

For those meeting us at the airport, we are flying from Guangzhou to Tokyo China Southern flyt 0385, Tokyo to Detroit Northwest Airlines flyt 0026 and Detroit to Dayton Northwest Airlines flyt 3762. We are scheduled to arrive in Dayton a 6:40 pm. We layover in Detroit for 4 hours, I may try to catch an earlier flyt, but I will let you know Dad!
Please pray for the flights tomorrow. Soph had some issues with her ticket to Tokyo, and they have her 1st on the waiting list, so hopefully the agents there will look at the comments for our reservation and make sure we get on. I'd also like to return home with our eardrums in tact, so pray hard...luckily Dr Dwayne gave me some medicine for Soph so she will be more comfortable when we land.
1 comment:
Loved all your photos today - as everyday. I will miss this once you are home. Please know my prayers are with you for your travel. God's Blessings for a happy life with your darling daughter Sophie. Carol from FL
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