Monday, September 10, 2007

Mommy and Sawyer! (& Coco)

Bath Time!

Coco & Sawyer
Mommy ans Sawyer!

Hey how do you keep this huge towel on?

Sawyer being tickled...


Calanthat said...

Oh my gosh! That smile! :)
-Brandy V

Beckie said...

Oh wow! What a great smile he has! It just lights up his entire face with happiness and joy. What a delight he is going to be to you and your family. Blessings to you all.

LynneJones said...

He is wonderful! Congratulations again & again.
Marie is very interested in both of you. This is our conversation that has been repeated 100 times since Friday.
Marie: Where did lady go?
Mom: Where did the lady go?
Marie: China
Mom: Why did she go to China?
Marie: Baby Boy
Mom: What is the baby boy's name?
Marie: Sawyer
Marie: Go in airplane (With arms out flying around)
Marie: one more (Which means she wants to repeat the conversation again)
We are waiting with excitment to pick you up! Have fun while you are there!

Mom 2 six said...

Love that huge smile !!

Linda said...

I am so glad that he took to you without fear. I remember the stares that we got in Nanjing with our first adoption - there is no hesitancy to point either! Which hotel are you staying at?

BTW, congratulations on being a mom to one more child!

Jana said...

I've been following your journey from afar and want to say congratulations! My oldest son's name is Sawyer (my ALL TIME FAVORITE name, by the way). Must be a Sawyer-thing, but your boy is just as beautiful as mine!! Truly, a precious gem. We were in China in May/June bringing home our sweet baby girl, Oakley, who just turned three.

Blessings to you and your family. I'm so glad that Sawyer has found his Mama!!


Stacey said...

Ohhhhh....I am so glad Sawyer is with you! I love the picture of the two of you together. He looks so happy! (You do too!) Congratulations!!! Give him lots of hugs and kisses!