Thursday, December 28, 2006

Adoption Story Part I -

This website has been a long time coming. We want all our family and friends to be able to follow us on our journey to adopt Sophie from China. If you haven’t been around from the beginning, or need a refresher, here is our adoption story. We’ll give it to you in parts over several days – it would be too much to post all at once.

In the beginning…
Once upon a time, in a far away land, there was a little girl named Shelli who wanted nothing more than to be a mama someday. As she grew up she cultivated relationships with families of many children and learned as much as she could about being a good mama.
In 1995 Shelli brought her first child Shawn into the world, in 1998 Samuel, then finally in 2000 Sarah. God have definitely blessed her.
Several years later, Shelli met a very good friend and together they talked about adoption and how wonderful it would be to realize such a dream for both family and child. Later Shelli had the privilege of participating in a mission trip with her church. On this trip, they visited an orphanage, and they left wishing they could have brought some of those precious children home as their own. This made the decision to adopt that much more gratifying!
Time passed and talk continued about adoption, but the timing and finances were not right. Although it was still felt adoption was a path Shelli wanted to take to add another child to her family, and believed that child was somewhere overseas. Shelli's heart yearned to welcome an orphaned child into her families lives, and finally her desire and God’s timing and provision intersected. In the spring of 2006 she began to actively pursue an adoption in China.
Psalm 126:3“The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy.”
For more on our adoption adventure, see our next post, “The Paperchase”.

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