Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Local Newspaper....

Oh Soybean is a celebrity...lol! you can view the story at: http://www.timesgazette.com then type Sawyer Young in the search engine.

6/6/2008 9:51:00 AM

Sawyer Young and Shelli Young

Local boy receives Make-A-Wish gift

Imagine being born in China, being left in a children's home, being adopted, moving halfway around the world, then being diagnosed with a terminal condition, all by the time you were 3 years old. That is reality for little Sawyer Young.

Sawyer, the son of Shelli Young of Leesburg, has been diagnosed with terminal neurocutaneous melanosis, which affects neurological skills and can visually be seen as patches of pigmented skin.

"I thought I was helping him, when I brought him back to the United States," Young said. "But, I quickly learned that he taught me what love is really about."

Make-A-Wish provided a play set which was recently installed at the Youngs' home to help stimulate his sensory development. The festivities concluded with a reveal party that was provided by Good News Gathering church. The family would like to thank the Highland County North Fire Department for bringing a fire truck and ambulance for the children to explore, Kroger's for their donation of balloons and Brad's Garden center for their wish garden landscape design.

Make-A-Wish and its volunteers have made over 167,000 wishes come true since 1980.


Anonymous said...

I am so glad that Sawyer got his wish. My heart goes out to you all as you live and love each day.

Jana said...

I'm keeping you and your BEAUTIFUL boy in my prayers. I'm so sorry for all that he is having to endure, but thank God that he finally has his family by his side. Blessings to you.

Rebekah Vincent said...

Saying prayers in Madisonville too he is such a handsome little man. Your family is so blessed!

Stacey said...

I just tagged you on my blog...

Wendy in OH said...

Thinking about Sawyer and your family, just wondering what's been going on and how he is doing?

Wendy in Canal Fulton
mom to another Nanjing beauty...

mom said...

I am awake and there are no kids to bother me and I wanted to peek and see if you have updated your blog. i think of you, Sawyer, and your family often. This post was ironically posted the same day as Izaak's gotcha day. Jeesh, I lot has happened since the last time we talked. I hope the holiday's are treating you well and Sawyer is indeed enjoying his swingset.